Here are a few updates from our busy summer and some of my pinterest projects (yes, I am addicted and I can admit it...that's is the 1st step right?)
i wanted some way to organize Madelynn's "craft" stuff so I could keep it in the dining room. Baskets are expensive and then I remember that I had this diaper cady that we don't use anymore and it is perfect for her craft stuff. Now it is easy to get and still looks nice.
Our little monkey. We, well I, redid Madelynn's bathroom (because we moved her stuff into our bathroom). I love it. I cant' decide if I want to paint the walls or not, but we will wait to see. I just love the cute little monkeys.
Madelynn's new "hair accessories" organizing station. I can't believe I found monkey fabric in the exact colors I needed. It was really pretty easy and I love it.
Well, I didn't realize I had such a problem with ribbon until i put it all in one place. Wow, I need to come up with some projects to use it, which is where the project above started. At least it is all in one spot now and organized.
My mostly finished bathroom. Still a few finishing touches and some painting touch ups but I will get to those. I found a cabinet I really want. This is a "towel rack" my friend Sara made. It looks great in here but we need something on Bruce's side.
I love this wall. It is like a red "throne room". I guess we need some "bling" from the throne :)
And this is how my little princess spent her time while I was "organizing" the craft room.
I just love these pictures. She is so cute!!!
She is such a good little mommy. She loves her babies.
Oh, and one more apron for the summer. I have at least 2 more to get finished. Maybe next week.