As I sit waiting for the birthday cupcakes to bake at 12 o'clock at night, I find myself thinking back to what I was doing a year ago tonight. I had gone on a walk with the dog, felt very crampy when I got home, relaxed and watched some TV, then went to bed for some well-needed rest only to awake at 11pm needing the bathroom. Got up to go and realized I was wetting my pants. I ran to the bathroom and I was still having this problem I thought I had taken care of as a toddler. It was 2 weeks until my due date so I thought no way was my water breaking, but as I was cleaning up the floor I thought, just maybe. Called Whitney and told her what was happening and she said, "your water broke, dork. Why are you calling me? Call the hospital."
So, as God's timing would have it, it was perfect. Meghan and the girls had just gotten to ABQ a few hours earlier, her in-laws were there, they stayed with the kids and Mom, Whit, and Meg made a road trip at 2am for baby Madelynn's arrival.
As we drove to the hospital I couldn't help but think, "This is the last time we will be just the two of us" that, and "I should have painted my toes."
Then, by 11:00 that day our lives were turned on end as Madelynn Ruth arrived happy and healthy. What a day! 

And here we are a year later. She is such an amazing little girl who walk and talks (her own language), gets into everything, blows kisses, and cuddles with the dog. Everyday is something new and exciting. There is never a dull moment in our lives with her. She is so active and energetic. She make life happy and complete and I smile each morning as I go into her room to get her.
Her birthday was so amazing and such an example of all the love and support she has in her life. There are so many people around her who just adore her and I know that she will always have an extended family where ever she goes. What a year! I can't wait to see what next year brings.
Happy, Happy Birthday to your beautiful little girl!!!
ReplyDeleteso happy for you guys and can't wait to watch her grow up=) she is a beautiful addition to your family and i can't believe how fast the year has gone! you'd think by now i'd be used to it=)