Madelynn has this little lamb that hangs in her crib for white-noise. Well the batteries finally died so they decided to fix it the other day. She was sooo helpful. Not sure if she was helping here or stabbing the lamb. Bruce was so patient with her and just enjoyed having her "help".
I was thinking about me and my dad and how I loved to help him in the garage. I know there were times he would just get frustrated having me under his feet, but he was so patient and would answer all my questions. We were fishing once and he spent the entire time untangling my line and was getting very frustrated. Then we realized that he had had his whole life to fish and now he was fishing with his daughter and he just had to relax. That must have been his moment that he realized things had changed. He was the best at living for us and putting us first, even if it meant he didn't get to fish and he just drug us all over the lake on skis. I can see that starting to happen in Bruce. I am sure this was the first of many projects to come.
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