Change is hard no matter what package it comes in; death of a grandparent or parent, moving to a new place or even just a new position with in our job, even a cute little bundle of joy is a change that can be difficult. Change makes us question what we believe and why we believe it and that is why we pray and ground ourselves in His word. At times like this Satan, the Prince of this world, is attacking us from all angles and if we are not well grounded he will knock us right off our feet. He wants us to get lost in the situation and think of how God is changing our lives and how much we hate it, but that is not God's plan for us. Everything we go through is God preparing us. He calls us, prepares us, uses us, prepares us some more and uses us some more. He continues to work on us and shape our heart until we are ready to see His face, the ultimate moment He is preparing us for. This is when He calls us up. He isn't done working on us just when we are old, He determines when He has finished His work in us and calls us up --- even if it doesn't seem like the right time to us.
This is what we have to remember during those times of change/preparation that we find difficult and we don't understand. What is God preparing me for? How is He using my life for His glory? And ultimately, it is not all about me (I know this totally goes against our society these days but deal with it).
So, what do we do in these tough times of change when we just want to cry and don't see the big picture that God is preparing for us? We cry, but cry out to Him. He has big shoulders and can handle it. We count our blessings one by one and remember all He has blessed us with even though we don't deserve it. Remember that "He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my might rock, my refuge" (Psalm 62:6-8). He is personal and He understands our sadness and pain, but He can see the bigger picture and He is telling us, "Trust in me, lean on me, and I will see you through until the end" (yes, this is me putting words in God's mouth, but this is what He tells me in my tough times).
So, is change all bad? No, and I know that if we lean on our rock we will add even more blessings to that list. Does it make it any easier when we are in the thick of the storm, not always, but it does give us the light at the end to help pull us through. What storm are you in right now?
"For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations" Psalm 100:5
Just what I needed, Kelsey--thank you.