Saturday, April 16, 2011

Where does time go?

Just kicking back. As I was putting laundry away the other day I was folding some of Madelynn's burp rags. Pictures began to flip through my mind of cleaning spit-up off the couch, my shirt, and Bruce's face and I felt a little twinge in my baby is drifting away. She is approaching toddlerhood and will be one before I know it. My little girl is reaching all these milestones I thought I wanted her to reach, but then I realize that with each one she is moving further and further away from me.

She can now hold her own bottle, and feed herself, and never uses burp rags anymore. As I look at her in this picture I can see her in 15 or so years kicking back like this, but the bottle will be replaced with a cell phone I am sure.

She stands with no hands and I am taken back to my own childhood as I was riding my bike and would let go and say, "Look mom, no hands!" How excited I was and how sad my mom must have felt as she realized I was growing up.

Growing up is such a strange pardox. It is so exciting to watch my little baby becoming her own person, and at the same time I just want time to stop because I haven't had enough time with her just like this.

So, every once in awhile as she falls asleep in my lap I will thank God for this little gift as time slows down and she is a little baby in my arms once again.

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