Monday, February 23, 2015

For I know the plans I have for you...

Back in October we met with the GI (gastroenternologist) in Albuquerque.  We have been working to get her to gain weight though her medications and it is just not working.  This poor child can spit up an entire feed (you should see the amount of laundry we do at times).  Well, I have been praying and praying so hard for her tummy to be healed.  With Cri du Chat kids have low muscle tone.  Well, your digestive system is made up of tons of muscles, so as you can guess, those are weak also.  She just can't keep food in her tummy.  Well, I am not sure why I have been so nervous at the thought of her having a feeding tube.  Selfishness, fear, anger that she might even have to have it, not wanting her to be so different, and all sorts of other thoughts I am sure Satan has put into my mind.  I am not sure, but it has really bothered me.  Well, as we have been approaching this follow up I have just been praying that should wouldn't have to.  Well, the other night I started to pray for the wisdom of the doctor.  When we went in today and I saw that she only weighed 13 pounds 5 oz I knew exactly what the doctor would say.  Well, instead of being afraid I was totally calm.  I kept hearing these words:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13
Well, He was right there with me because I felt a peace I could not explain.  I knew this was the right thing for her.  This little girl moves like crazy.  She loves to eat, which she will continue to do, she loves water, which she will continue to drink, and I can't imagine all she will be doing when she gets a little muscle on those skinny legs!  Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray. 
Specifically pray for an earlier date.  Right now we are scheduled for March 27th but I really need to be able to use my Spring break as some of the time off with her because I don't have any leave and I will probably have to stay in ABQ for a couple of weeks, just to be on the safe side.  So, Team Annika prayer warriors, this is what we need, please pray!  I will keep you posted. 
She will also have a fundoplication procedure done at the same time.  You can click on the word to learn more.  This will tighten the muscle around her stomach to help keep her food in.  The feeding tube (gastro tube) will not be forever.  When she no longer needs it, it will come out.  So, that is very good news.  We will continue her therapies to improve her chewing abilities so she can feed on her own at some point.

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