Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Goals for life....mine vs. God's

As the beginning of the school year begins I find myself thinking about goals. I always have "goals" I want to achieve for the summer with my time off. Cleaning and painting the baseboards, yard work, crafting projects...and the list goes on. Sometimes I achieve all of these and other times, like this year, I am only able to check off a few. As I was thinking about goals I found this piece of paper that I wrote in middle school at a 4-H camp (We stayed over night at UNM or was it the fair grounds? are there dorms there? and I was scared, but I did it and had a very good time). Well, this piece of paper has been in my wallet for almost 20 years. As you can see I revised my goals at some point.

Apparently when I was in Jr. High or High school when I revised these, this is what I set as goals for myself. As I was reading the Bible this week I got to thinking about God's goals for my life. Does God set goals for our lives? Does he have a little progress sheet up there that He evaluates from time to time to see if I am making AYP (addequate yearly progress)? How am I doing? Am I proficient or at beginning step?

So, as I continued to read I tried to figure out what God's goals would be for my life.

*To grow in Him by learning, studying and spending time with Him. (1 Peter 2:2)

*Serve my family through time, love and energy (Proverbs 31:15,30))

*Touch the lives of other - serve others (Colossians 3:23-24, Ephesians 6:7)

*Leave behind a legacy by being more like Christ (Romans 8:29)

I am sure they may be other goals God may have for my life, but these were the over-arching ideas that kept standing out to me as I read.

I know it is important to have goals or little accomplishments I would like to achieve in life, but I realized my focus should be how my report card with God is looking. Do I have a bunch of "U's" for unsatisfactory. I hope as God evaluates me that I am at least progressing in each goal He has for my life.

Too often I think I have been focused on my goals for my life and I haven't put enough thought into God's goals for my life. I hope that my little steps that I accomplish in life will mirror what God has set for me.

Just something I thought of while I was reading and I thought I would pass it along.

Remember each day is a new day and it is the Lord's (Nehemiah 8:9). So I will ask myself, "What does God want me to accomplish today?"


  1. hey kels! thanks for the reminder. far too often i think its all about me. you'd think after 4 kids i'd learn there is no "me" anymore! what great things to think on and some perfect verses too! i needed that! sorry we missed each other when you were up for the game. thinking i'm going to have to just drive to bloomfield one of these days and say hello=) love you and have a great rest of the week!!!

  2. YES! drive to Bloomfield we would love to see you. Miss you guys.
