Thursday, May 2, 2013

My Sassy Little Girl

I can not believe how grown up Madelynn is getting.  She will be 3 in just over a month and I swear she is going on 13 more and more every day.  Some of my favorite things that she says right now:
When you ask her if she wants something, like fruit snacks, she says, "Well, of course."  Like, I can't believe you would even have to ask.  That kid will do anything for a fruit snack and things everyone should have them at their house.  When she stayed with Whitney last week she seemed very put out when she found out Whit didn't have fruit snacks at her house. 
She talks all the time.  I mean seriously, doesn't take a break.  From the time she wakes up in the morning until the time her head hits the pillow she is talking.  Sometimes I just need a break, but don't seem to get one.  She has an amazing vocabulary, or so I am told by other people.  We only have one kid so we really don't know any different. 
The other day she told me not to touch her books.  Of course being the brat that I am I pretended to touch them.  She said, "Don't touch, that is illegal!"  I dont' even know where she comes up with this stuff.  If you ask her to do something she doesn't want to do she replies with, "Nope!"  We are working on the respect issue here but it is still really funny.  She loves to go boxing with Bruce and to Zumba with me and does great at both.  She copies everything we do at Zumba and she is so funny to watch.  Bruce took her to boxing and now she wants pink boxing gloves.  I don't think most people have to have this conversation with their 2 year-old, "Now remember, you can only throw punches with Daddy.  No hitting anyone at Miss Ruth's house.  Do you understand?"
At night during prayers if we forget to say, "Thank you for Madelynn" she gets upset and says, "You didn't say my name!"  So we have to be sure to be thankful for Madelynn everynight. 
There are so many other funny things that she says right now and I just can't remember them right now. 
She is so excited to have a brother or a sister.  Sometimes she says the baby is a girls and sometimes she says its a boy.  She doesn't seem to care either way at this time.  She loves kissing and hugging my belly which is super cute.  I know she will be a great big sister, she just doesn't seem old enough. 
She told me the other day that she is going to teach the baby to play.  I thought that was super sweet.  I know she will just be wonderful and our house will be crazy, but I can't wait.

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